学术报告预告(报告人:Jaume Llibre,时间:11月29日10:30)

作者: 时间:2018-11-27 点击数:

关于西班牙皇家科学院院士Jaume Llibre的学术报告预告


时间:20181129星期四  10:30-11:30


题目:Limit cycles for discontinuous planar piecewise linear differential

systems separated by a curve


报告人Jaume Llibre简介西班牙皇家科学院院士、巴塞罗那自治大学教授。主要研究低维微分动力系统的定性和分支理论及其应用,发表论文近500篇,被他人引用1000多次。出版包括《Qualitative Theory of Planar Differential Systems》在内的多部专著,现任SCI期刊《Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems》主编及《Applicationes Mathematicae》、《Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos》、《Annals of Differential Equations》等期刊的编委。 Jaume Llibire教授是微分动力系统领域的国际领军人物,被邀请到多个不同国家的著名大学合作研究,培养了一大批优秀博士研究生,其中一部分学生来自海外。

内容摘要:First we shall present what it is known about the limit cycles of the discontinuous piecewise linear differential systems with two pieces separated by a straight line. Second we shall describe briefly some of the techniques for computing analytically the limit cycles of the mentioned discontinuous piecewise linear differential systems. Finally  we study how changes the maximum number of limit cycles of the discontinuous piecewise linear differential systems with only two pieces depending on the shape of a curve, which separates the plane into two components.                                         






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